Shifting the DevSecOps Culture in the Organisation – Developer Friendly 1hour
Wednesday, 17th June 2020 08.00 GMT

DevSecOps Live Meetup Description
In this Practical DevSecOps’s DevSecOps Live online meetup, you’ll learn Shifting the DevSecOps Culture in the Organisation – Developer Friendly
Join Vandana Varma, Security Architect at IBM on her DevSecOps Journey.
We have been talking about the technical angle of DevOps. However, How do we go about building the DevSecOps culture in the organization? So far organizations are trying to have all three teams Dev, Sec, and Ops team together. However, the Ideal DevSecOps idea is each individual should know what is happening in the whole process. If a person or team has issues/concerns, then anyone can stand-up and take the DevSecOps further.
The talk will also showcase case studies around what has failed in DevOps and we could have prevented the case studies? What is the cause of the problem and what can be the prevention? How we can build a secure pipeline, what are the open-source tools we can leverage to test the pipeline based on the technology or programming languages?
This talk will also portray Call to action from different teams.
What a Developer should do, what a security and Operations person should do?
How to bring the teams to work together. Example – Earlier security teams used to sit in a room together. Now the security team sits with the operations and Dev team.
2hrs. 5min.
Slides will be uploaded after the talk.
Vandana Varma
Vandana is a seasoned security professional with over 14 years of experience ranging from application security to infrastructure and now dealing with DevSecOps. She was a keynote speaker at OWASP Global AppSec DC, 2019. She has spoken and trained at various conferences AppSec Europe, AppSec USA, NullCon, Security Guild 2019, BSides Delhi, c0c0n (Kerala Police Conference), Global AppSec Tel Aviv and Blackhat US 2019. She is part of the crew for OWASP Seasides and BSides Delhi conferences. She also does CFP Reviews for AppSec Europe, Global AppSec Tel Aviv, Global AppSec DC and Grace Hopper US 2019 (Security/Privacy Review Track). She has received Global cybersecurity influencer among IFSEC Global’s “Top Influencers in Security and Fire” Category for 2019. She recently received Cybersecurity Women of the year award by Women Cyberjutsu Society in the Category “Secure Coder”. She has also been listed as one of the top women leaders in this field of technology in India by Instasafe